Night Passage (2000)


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Night Passage (2000)

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Night Passage ~ Invocations for the Journey

A lyrical gathering of rounds, chants, and songs, Night Passage gives soulful illumination to the infinite mystery of life’s seasons. From a mystical ode invoking the new moon to an undulating chant honoring the Yoruba Goddess Yemaya, from a South African ancestral incantation to lush settings of the

Night Passage ~ Invocations for the Journey

A lyrical gathering of rounds, chants, and songs, Night Passage gives soulful illumination to the infinite mystery of life’s seasons. From a mystical ode invoking the new moon to an undulating chant honoring the Yoruba Goddess Yemaya, from a South African ancestral incantation to lush settings of the poet Rumi, the women of Libana sing with a reflective reverence, infusing this collection with harmonic power and musical grace.

Guest Artists: Margot Chamberlain (Celtic harp), Cindy Kallet (guitar), Lisle Kulbach (viola da gamba), Abby Rabinovitz (alto flute), Chris Rua (viola da gamba), Rosalind Brooks Stowe (viola da gamba)

Cover art: Mada Leach (CA), "Moondrift #1", monotype with inlaid papers

This album has an accompanying songbook. Please visit the songbook page under Store in the menu!

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    Whatever Circles Comes from the Center (Barbara Gayny)

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    Dark of the Moon (Karen Beth)

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    Oh Mama Bakudala (traditional South African: Xhosa)

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    Summer Solstice (David Gay)

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    I Have a Million Nightingales (Linda Hirschhorn)

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    Bim Bam (traditional Jewish Nigun)

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    Learned of Angel (traditional American Shaker)

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    V'asu Li Mikdash (Hanna Tiferet Siegel)

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    The Breeze at Dawn (Dale Zola)

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    We All Come from the Goddess (Z Budapest)

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    Yemaya (Marytha Paffrath)

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    Vem Kan Segla (traditional Swedish)

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    Er a la Vo (traditional Sicilian)

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    Night Goes Back (Dale Zola)

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    Ise Oluwa (traditional West African: Yoruba)

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    Deep Peace (Bill Douglas)

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