Fire Within (1990)


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Fire Within (1990)

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Magical and contemporary rounds and songs from around the world

Fire Within offers a richly eclectic collection of 18 rounds, chants and songs united by a strength and quiet depth of heart, a reverence and respect for our Earth's sensual beauty and elemental power, and an inner conviction and determined vision toward individual and planetary

Magical and contemporary rounds and songs from around the world

Fire Within offers a richly eclectic collection of 18 rounds, chants and songs united by a strength and quiet depth of heart, a reverence and respect for our Earth's sensual beauty and elemental power, and an inner conviction and determined vision toward individual and planetary peace. This album has an accompanying songbook. Please visit the songbook page under Store in the menu!

Cover art: Caryl Bryer Fallert (hand-dyed cotton pieced and quilted). "Corona II: Solar Eclipse"

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    Fire Within (Marytha Paffrath)

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    Hotaru Koi (traditional Japanese)

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    Treeplanter's Round (Dorothy Attneave Jackson)

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    Con el Viento (Renaissance Spain)

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    Good Friend (Jan Harmon)

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    Kona Kai Opua I Ka Lai (traditional Hawaiian)

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    O Virgo Splendens (14th C. Spain)

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    Rise Up O Flame (Source Unknown)

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    Neesa (Native American; a contemporary gift from the Seneca language)

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    Lullaby (traditional Swedish)

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    Clear Horizon (Jan Harmon)

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    Ode To Contentment (traditional American Shaker)

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    I Will Be Gentle With Myself (Source Unknown)

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    Now I Walk In Beauty (Gregg Smith, text: Hopi)

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    Be Like A Bird (Arthur Frackenpohl)

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    Lo Yisa Goy (traditional Jewish)

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    Kwaheri (traditional Kenyan)

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    And She Will Rise (Dakota Butterfield)

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