From the recording Borderland (1993)

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Fihel Asirem (Djouhra Abouda: Algeria)

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Fihel Asirem (Algeria, words and music by Djouhra Abouda)

"You wake up one morning and realize that you are even poorer than the night before. Wherever you turn, nineteen out of twenty is missing and you foam with rage. But which is the best way?"

V1) Wake up! Rouse yourself until the troubles end. You who are rolling the couscous must neither sleep or sit still. When you keep being deprived, water replaces the sauce, tighten your belt another notch. Try to count all you have-- when you don't have a cent, your face will touch the ground.

V2) You torment yourselves in vain; the stubborn facts are real. The privileged divide up the wealth and you can't even hope for a crumb! Your food jug is desperately empty. You can't fool yourself; don't wait for a miracle! Act, and make your stick talk!