Singing Into the Heart of the Dark 

A Winter Solstice Zoom Sing for Women 

with Susan Robbins (Founder and Artistic Director)  

Gathering to honor the shortest day in circle and song has been a beloved ritual for many of us over the last decade.  This year, we will gather onscreen in a zoom sing again to give collective honor to this important day in the cycle of the Earth's turning! Bring your sisters, mothers, daughters, friends to share in this communal musical gathering, as we sing easily learnable rounds and chants honoring the gifts of the dark, summoning the return of light to shine into these especially dark days, and bearing witness to the cycles and spirit of our beloved Earth. 


      WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20th (Solstice Eve) 

      THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21st (Solstice Night) 

TIME: 7-9pm EST (Please make sure you convert the start time to your time zone! )

COST: Suggested donation $20 per person, per Sing                                                (less if you can't, more if you choose) 

Girls 14 and above are welcome to join if they are able to maintain a focus so as not to be distracting on screen. 


1) Please send an email to with the date/s of the Winter Solstice Sing(s) you want to register for, how many you are registering, (with all names and email addresses), and what state you live in

2) Please submit a payment in advance at your earliest convenience in one of these four ways: 

a) If you are a Zelle user, please send a payment to me at

b) If you are a Venmo user, please send a payment to me at

c) Use the donate button on to process an online credit card or paypal payment. 

d) Please send a check made payable to Susan Robbins to the following address: Susan Robbins, 93 Marshall St., Watertown, MA 02472 along with the printed registration form below:

Please register me for the following Winter Solstice Zoom Sing:  

WEDNESDAY December 20th (7-9pm EST) _____________  

THURSDAY December 21st (7-9pm EST) _____________  

Enclosed is my payment of: ______  





Thank you! You will receive the zoom link in an email on the afternoon of the Sing date you have chosen! 

For more information email